„Let’s learn to help“


Granum – kontakty


Granum o.s.
Koperníkova 22
767 01 Kroměříž

+420 605 066 522


Tauferova SOŠ veterinární


„Let’s learn to help“
The animal impact on humans is referred to as animal aid therapy – animaltherapy. It interferes with health care, social care and education. Animals can be partners in different periods of human life, can be helpful in troubled individuals, can stimulate performance and can heal.
Our students meet animals every day, the animals make them empathic, independent, persistent, but also better and more humble. Skills gained during experiential learning when working with animals lead to the ability to help the weaker, sick, and disadvantaged people. The relationship to animals does not know boundaries, national differences or generational differences, and the animals have united us in this project.
INCLUSION – In our schools, pupils with different special educational needs are educated together with intact pupils. Every school is trying to offer education, qualifications and practical skills to ensure employability, but also satisfaction with the work being done. Individual schools have been guarantors in a certain area of the positive impact of animals (apitherapy, hippotherapy, canistherapy), and have shared their skills and experience with each other as part of the exchange of good practice.
The target group were our teachers, our intact students and students with special needs, who are the object and subject of project effort indirectly from activities benefited children and young people with special needs from the local environment, as well as parents of children with special needs and other people they were involved in activities.
Within the framework of the project, the following activities were carried out:

  1. the teachers – short-term training events for employees – each country has been the sponsor of one kind of animaltherapy to give your partner as much knowledge and learning resources to implement these kinds animaltherapy to be tought and used by the other partners;
  2. for students and teachers within – blended mobilities – in each country took place one activity for students and teachers from partner schools in order to test and adapt to the needs of teaching materials and verify the individual species eradication by bees, dogs and horses;
  3. the general public – in the short-term group exchanges of students, we organized camps in the Czech Republic and Slovakia – with a focus on the verification of the acquired skills with children with special needs, the disabled and other people.
    The results of the project were the mutual exchange of good practice among the members of the partnership, training and better cooperation of the pedagogical corps, and this was done through the education of our pupils whose satisfaction and success gave us feedback.
    The success of our project is linked to the outputs, but in our opinion it exceeds the set goal. From a long-term perspective, we see the most important result of the project as stimulating a comprehensive change in the attitudes of individuals towards disadvantaged pupils with learning disabilities, towards pupils from a socially weaker environment.
    Animals do not consider the difference to be disturbing, and that is what we want them to learn us.

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